Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Dr. Stefan Hielscher



List of Publications
Pub-List Stefan Hielscher 01-2015.pdf (255.7 KB)  vom 21.01.2015

Radio-Interview with MDR-Figaro from 15. Dezember 2012
Interview mit Dr. Stefan Hielscher auf MDR Figaro vom Dezember 2012.mp3 (1.8 MB)  vom 18.12.2012

Selected Publications


Hielscher, Stefan (2012): Kooperation statt Hilfe: Ein ordonomischer Beitrag zur Theorie der Entwicklungspolitik, Berlin.

Hielscher, Stefan, Markus Beckmann, Ingo Pies (2014): Participation Versus Consent: Should corporations be run according to democratic principles?, in: Business Ethics Quarterly, 24(4), 533–563   .

Hielscher, Stefan, Matthias Georg Will (2014): Mental Models of Sustainability: Unearthing and Analyzing the Mental Images of Corporate Sustainability with Qualitative Empirical Research, in: Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 31, 708–719   .

Pies, Ingo, Markus Beckmann, Stefan Hielscher (2014): The Political Role of the Business Firm: An Ordonomic Re-Conceptualization of an Aristotelian Idea, in: Business & Society, 53(2), 226–259.   

Beckmann, Markus, Stefan Hielscher, Ingo Pies (2014): Commitment Strategies for Sustainability: How Business Firms Can Transform Trade-Offs Into Win–Win Outcomes, in: Business Strategy and the Environment, 23, 18–37.   

Hielscher, Stefan, Ingo Pies and Vladislav Valentinov (2012): How to Foster Social Progress: An Ordonomic Perspective on Institutional Change, in: Journal of Economic Issues, XLVI(3), S. 779-797   .

Higher Education

  • Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany
  • Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), Leipzig, Germany
  • Universidad del Pacifico (UnPac), Quito, Ecuador
  • Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

Professional Career: Project work and internships

  • Wittenberg-Center for Global Ethics, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
  • Deloitte Business Consulting GmbH, Bonn and Berlin, Germany
  • Industrial Investment Council (IIC), Berlin, Germany
  • Alcatel SEL AG, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Cobra snc Bycycle Components, Bologna, Italy
  • County Council of the Administrative District of Böblingen, Germany

Research Projects

Hielscher, Stefan (2012): Kooperation statt Hilfe: Ein ordonomischer Beitrag zur Theorie der Entwicklungspolitik, Berlin.

Interview with Radio MDR-Figaro and Summary

  • Morality as a factor of production: Business ethics, the theory of the firm and corporate citizenship
  • Ordonomics: Studies on the interdependencies between social structure and semantics
  • Global ethics as an ethics of globalization: Opportunities and limits of societal development
  • Concepts of social theory: Modern classics of economics, sociology
    and philosophy

Presentation and lectureship

  • Konrad-Adenauer-Frounding
  • Wittenberg-Center for Global Ethics
  • Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt
